River of Thoughts

Christine Royse Niles — Changing the world one word at a time

You Suddenly Discover Your Yes Now!

….And other bits of wisdom discovered in Saturday’s Killer Tribes conference!

Download a full set of the notes here.

***We will return to our regularly scheduled random river of thoughts later this week…but for today, I want to share a new experiment in visual note-taking.  I saw a lot of great visual notes from the SXSW conference last month, and thought I’d try my hand at it, even though I suck at drawing.  So I have “drawn” a few of the key points from my notes from several of the sessions.  Let me know what you think!***

The Big Idea

I thought it was interesting that EVERY presenter stressed the unique value of individuality.


Alli Worthington

Download a PDF of Alli Worthington‘s notes here



Download a PDF of Daddy-O‘s notes here


Sarah Mae

Download a PDF of Sarah Mae‘s notes here


Mark Hughes

Download a PDF of Mark Hughes‘s notes here


Derek Webb

Download a PDF of Derek Webb‘s notes here


Bryan Allain and Jon Acuff

Download a PDF of Bryan and Jon‘s notes here


Jeff Goins

Download a PDF of Jeff Goins‘s notes here


And More…

Dave Delaney and Steve Kamb also gave super-rockin-inspirational talks (complete with underpants gnomes), but it’s after midnight and my scanner is dead, and I just can’t stay awake any longer.  If you love these, tell me about it in the comments, and I’ll add drawings from Dave and Steve’s presentations soon.

Update:  I’ve added drawings from Dave and Steve’s sessions AND other KT attendees were gracious enough to share their notes from Stephen Brewster, Tamara Lunardo, and Carlos Whittaker’s sessions.  Find them all HERE!

PS: I can’t forget Tripp Crosby and Tyler Stanton…but I also am following Jeff Goins’ advice and not biting off TOO much more than I can chew – my drawings can not do their hilarity justice.  So check out some videos of them instead.

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About Christine

I am a writer, a project manager, and a corporate refugee with a heart for orphans around the world. My two daughters were adopted from Ukraine at ages 12 and 14. I post about writing, chasing dreams, and making a difference in the world, and sometimes I share fun snippets of fiction in-progress.

33 Replies

  1. I feel like I got to go to KT via your notes!


    1. Christine

      I still feel like there was so much I couldn’t pack in, but the day was amazing…we missed you. And I mean that. Next time…

  2. This is awesome! Love it!

    1. Christine

      Wow…So honored that you stopped by and shared this! Your session was inspiring…”For such a time as this, you have a platform” reminded me of Esther. Each of us matters, and that’s far too easy to forget.

  3. This is great! I was there on Saturday (LOVED IT) and have wanted to share the info with lots of people. Can’t wait to send them your notes. Thank you!

    1. Christine

      Thanks so much, Annie!

  4. Love these!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My notes look like something my 2-yr old would doodle. Thankfully, I can translate 2 yr. old doodle :)

    1. Christine

      Two-year-olds’ doodles are filled with joy and hope. So your notes must be that too! :-)

  5. You were writing all that while I was sitting next to you? How did I miss those brilliant illustrations? I’m STILL trying to decrypt my notes…I was writing so much so fast, it was difficult to soak it all in.

    Hopefully, Bryan is planning to release the whole event on DVD!

    1. Christine

      I’ll confess. these were not drawn on the fly! Lisa and I did a lot of “processing” on the drive home, and then I went through all the very long sentences I wrote down and drew out the key points…

  6. This is amazing – you are speaking my language. This is how i would take notes if I were this talented!!! I want to print them all. Thank you for this gift of time and effort. Much appreciated!

    1. Christine

      Thanks, Trina!! I’m hoping to get my scanner working and get better images posted.

  7. I second Andrew’s comment! Thank you for sharing some more of the awesomeness that was the Killer Tribes Conference. I appreciate how many of you took the time to keep those of us unable to attend in the loop. :)

    1. Christine

      We missed you, Michelle…Happy to bring you a little piece of the inspiration!

  8. I like seeing artistic skills mix with writing and note taking skills! Wow. Go Christine.

    1. Christine

      Thanks, Jeff! I do a lot of notes and recaps for work, but this was the first time I tried to add a creative spin to it. It was fun!

  9. Great job Christine…love it.

    1. Christine

      Thanks, Brandon! Happy to give back a little after getting so much enjoyment from reading your book!!

  10. Christine,
    I’ve finally had a chance to check these out and it’s amazing! Thank you so much for taking the time to do these and post them. Much easier on the eyes than my notes!

    1. Christine

      Appreciate you taking the time to check it out! I have summaries from the other sessions, so hopefully I’ll be able to add them over the weekend.

  11. Awesome stuff Christine! I should’ve just paid you to take notes for me.

    1. Christine

      Thanks…Just consider them payment for the giggles you’ve brought me by letting me lurk for MMM2! Far more fun than basketball!

  12. Super cool! What a great idea! Looking forward to More of your notes.

    1. Christine

      Thanks…This weekend has gotten a little away from me, but i *will* get the rest of the sessions drawn and posted.

  13. I am soooo impressed! I’m pretty sure that even if I had a digital pen I couldn’t have done this! :-)

    You rock!

    1. Christine

      Heh…the funny part is that I based these just on what i wrote down old-school and all. NO advantage from the digital pen here!

      But yes, I think you could have done this. You are far more creative and fun than I am. And besides, you can make peeps topiaries without eating all the ingredients. That scores you a lot of points!

  14. Nicely done! This is a great idea to get traffic and serve those who aren’t able to attend conferences like this.

    1. Christine

      Thanks, Grayson! I had seen some notes like this and just wanted to try it, and I ended up sitting at my kitchen table until about 2AM…I had so much fun drawing these, and it really helped the messages sink in for me, too!

  15. Raye Cage

    This is fabulous Christine. I downloaded the notes. I have taken a temporary sabbatical from writing notes to drawing them for the past 3 months and found that I enjoy it. I will check into reading the book you mentioned in your comments on Jeff Goins blog about Austin Kleon “Steal Like An Artist”.

    This gives me inspiration to keep doing it. Thanks.

    1. Christine

      I’d love to see some of your drawings…. I wish I could take a sabbatical from traditional notes, but the day-job is a little more conservative!

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