River of Thoughts

Christine Royse Niles — Changing the world one word at a time



Reboot, rinse, repeat
Marking all as read.  Start fresh.
Recast the focus.

What needs to be rebooted in your life?  Leave a comment…


*Photo credit: Thana Thaweeskulchai (Creative Commons)

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About Christine

I am a writer, a project manager, and a corporate refugee with a heart for orphans around the world. My two daughters were adopted from Ukraine at ages 12 and 14. I post about writing, chasing dreams, and making a difference in the world, and sometimes I share fun snippets of fiction in-progress.

14 Replies

  1. Everything. I am working on cleaning out my inbox. I am trying to knock stuff off my to-do list…Everything!

    1. Christine

      Right there with you. My strategy to clean out the inbox is leaning toward wiping it out and starting over. If it’s important, people will followup, right? :-)

      1. They will definitely followup, possibly! LOL! I am about 75% finished with inbox. Next up is taking care of a major writing to-do list! I feel like I’m back to the drawing board, but I do have a vague idea of where I’m going (I hope).

        Part of the reboot for me is also going to be quieting the chatter. There are so many things calling for my attention especially online. I need to figure out how to deal with this. I know I can’t possibly catch up, but I need to decide if there are just certain times I check twitter, facebook, etc. Any suggestions?

        1. Christine

          Twins, we are. I dropped off of most social media for a couple of weeks, but it’s not working great either. I feel like I’m neglecting relationships both online and off. But part of the reboot for me is resuming the 5AM alarm. I write until around 7, then use 7-8 to queue up tweets for the day, check Facebook and twitter, and answer a few emails. Then a quick twitter check mid-morning, a little deeper look at lunchtime, and another glance mid-afternoon. That’s what it’s supposed to look like anyway… :)

          1. I like your schedule! Maybe I need to try this one on for size. I agree on the neglecting of both online and offline relationships. I am going to keep working on this…maybe the trial and error will result in some great insights.

  2. Ugh! So many things. I need some massive organization at home. I also need to unsubscribe to a ton of email that I never read. It never ends, does it? :)

    1. It feels that way! My favorite thing is unsubscribing from junk mail, etc. I am trying to slowly get all bloggers onto my google reader eventually, but we’ll see… Just trying to keep my inbox cleaned out : )

      Can you come organize my home while you are working on your own??? LOL!

      1. Christine

        Maybe we should organize a kickstarter to pay for organizing our houses?? And then write an eBook about it? :)

  3. I often reboot my Twitter feed. Try as I might, there’s just no way I can keep up some days.


    1. Christine

      I finally stopped trying to “keep up” and started looking at Twitter as more “glimpse in time”

      I pop in, scan about the past 30 minutes, and then take a longer look at mentions. I miss a lot, yeah. But it’s kind of like a soap opera. You can miss a whole lot of details, and still get the big ideas of what’s going on.

      1. Oh, I like the soap opera comment. Not that I watch soap operas anymore!

        1. Christine

          Or so you say…. 😉

  4. too funny… I wish some things that needed rebooted were just that easy… I have an Apple so I don’t have to reboot all that much :-)

  5. I need to restructure our budgeting/bill-paying system. With our new work schedules, it is hard to keep up with receipts and online software 2-3 times/week like we used to. Currently, it’s 2-3 times/month, which isn’t working out so well, either. Especially when you run a financial fitness blog!

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