River of Thoughts

Christine Royse Niles — Changing the world one word at a time

Learning to Dream Again

Today’s guest post is by Tammy Helfrich. Tammy is a wife, mom, and writer. She has a passion for writing about life, marriage, motivation, and telling the stories of people who are making a difference.  Tammy is learning to live a healthier lifestyle, and live a better story. You can connect with her at her blog here or on Twitter @tammyhelfrich

I can’t really remember a time when I had a huge dream or vision. I didn’t have something that I thought I was destined to do. I didn’t want to become a missionary or a doctor. I just wanted to be successful and have a good life.

I do, however, remember always wanting to help people. I always wanted to make a difference.

But people told me I couldn’t. How could I make a living doing that? They said ideas like that never got you anywhere. So I buried it deep inside. It would resurface every once in a while when I stepped outside of myself to do something for someone else. But, then it would become all about me again.

Over the last year or so, I have learned to dream again. I have learned to want something different for my life. And the life of others around me. But again, I never wanted it to be about me. I struggled with it for a while. Then I read this:

“There is great hope in realizing that your vision and passions have little to do with you. These are God’s visions and God’s passions, which He set in motion long ago, timed perfectly for you to step into at the right moment.” – Justin Zoradi

I felt free!

I realized again that my writing was a way that God wanted me to make a difference. For Him. Not for me. It energized me, and inspired me.

I have been able to encourage others to start following their dreams. That is a passion that God uniquely formed in me. I am learning to explore that more, and step out of my comfort zone.

I am a different person now.

I listen when God prompts.

I obey.

  • I write to help others understand God’s transforming power.
  • I write to encourage others.
  • I write to connect with other people.
  • I write to tell other people’s stories.
  • I write to help remind myself what God has done in my life.
  • I write to learn to tell a better story.
  • And live a better story.

What passions and desires has God placed in you? How are you using them?  Leave a comment…

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About Christine

I am a writer, a project manager, and a corporate refugee with a heart for orphans around the world. My two daughters were adopted from Ukraine at ages 12 and 14. I post about writing, chasing dreams, and making a difference in the world, and sometimes I share fun snippets of fiction in-progress.

10 Replies

  1. Once upon a time a I was a young married 20 something with kids on the way. Now I’m a young at heart 40 something with a high schooler!

    When I started leading a church small group, then when a newlywed friend took me to lunch and started asking marriage advice, I knew I had a ministry.

    Sometimes God prompts through circumstances!

    1. I agree. We just have to be willing to obey.

  2. Thanks for having me, Christine!!

    1. Christine

      It’s my honor and pleasure!

  3. This is a great post, Tammy. I actually have a blog-draft I’m slowly working on right now entitled “Permission to Dream.” It’s based on something similar to the quote you used. I love how well you put this!


    1. Thanks Katie! I had to give myself permission to dream as well. Look forward to reading it!

  4. I’m not sure why anyone did or does feel the need to tell you (or anyone!) you can’t. That’s just a waste of words.
    I’m so encouraged to read you’re following through on the passions that have been cultivated in you.
    One of mine is to see men, women, and children treating fairly and freed from slavery- especially in the farming industry. I’m a newbie with this stuff, but I’m trying!

    1. Thanks! Keep following your passions as well. Slavery is an issue that I continue to learn more about and am always stunned at how much is going on right here in the U.S.

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