River of Thoughts

Christine Royse Niles — Changing the world one word at a time

I’m Writing A Book

“I want to write a book”

I’ve heard you say it.  I’ve said it.

We’ve written chapters in our heads at the grocery store.  We have files on our hard drives.  We have notes on characters and plot points or chapter outlines written on napkins in the “book pile” somewhere safe in our house.

And for most of us, that’s as far as we get.

We Dream

We dream of someday becoming a writer.  When all the other obligations of our lives suddenly melt away.  When we win the lottery.  When we retire.

We act like writing is something to be done when there’s nothing else to do.

But what if we just did it?

What if we spent 30 minutes a day putting words down in order?  What if we actually called ourselves writers?

I have a crystal ball.  I can guarantee one thing:  If you don’t start writing, your story will not get told.

It Goes Beyond Writing

There’s more to writing than just pushing keys on a computer in a certain special order.  There’s revising, and editing, and polishing.   And then there’s the question of finding readers–building a platform–and it’s pretty important.

All that seemed a real mystery to me a few months ago.

But I’m finding out that it’s not really a huge secret.  Furthermore, there are people out there who are doing it who actually care about sharing what they know with the rest of us.

Jeff Goins is one of those people.

Jeff played around with “wanting to write” for years.  Then about a year ago, he changed his approach.  He scrapped his blog of four years, and started over.  He got intentional about what he was doing.

Within a few months, his traffic skyrocketed.  He was named one of the ten best writing blogs of 2011.  He got a book deal with a real publisher without pitching it.  They came to him.

All while still working a day job and starting a family.

He did it because he chose to do it.

I can do that.

You can do that too.


Over the past year, Jeff has built his blog up to thousands of daily readers, published magazine articles, released multiple eBooks, and finished the manuscript for a book that will be published this fall.

As he did all this, Jeff compiled the lessons he’s learned, and he’s sharing them in his newest eBook:  You Are A Writer (so start acting like one)

You Are A Writer is a concise blend of creative inspiration, encouragement, and practical tips and advice.  From giving you permission to “be” a writer to providing sample emails to help you network without feeling like a sleaze, Jeff shares his steps and mistakes.

He gives us a roadmap.

Buy it, read it, and listen to him.
(Update:  youareawriter.com is live and packages are available for purchase now!)

Writing is magic

Y’all, I think this is the magic of writing.  We each have a million unique stories to tell…stories that no one else can share.  And there’s room in the world for all of us.

Reading isn’t going away.  It’s changing, sure.  But as I learn more and practice my craft and learn from people like Jeff, I’m finding out that those changes are good.  In fact, they’re great.  It’s easier than ever to get our words in front of people who care to read them.  Like you.

What about my book?

Heh…which one?

But really, ever since I blogged about Masha’s adoption, you have been telling me I should write a book about it.

So I’ll put it out there.  I’m sort of participating in Jon Acuff’s Finish Year 2012.  One of my Finish Year goals is to put that story into book form.

The manuscript is due (to me) at the end of the year.

Step one:

I am a writer.

You can be too.

If you had infinite time and resources, what kind of book would you write?  Leave a comment…

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

The Growing Writer’s Survival Kit is filled with tools to help you when writing gets tough. Get your FREE toolkit (and updates) by entering your email address here:

About Christine

I am a writer, a project manager, and a corporate refugee with a heart for orphans around the world. My two daughters were adopted from Ukraine at ages 12 and 14. I post about writing, chasing dreams, and making a difference in the world, and sometimes I share fun snippets of fiction in-progress.

18 Replies

  1. I’ve also contemplated writing a book about our adoption experiences. I’d title it “The Good, The Bad, The Hilarious” because let’s face it, there’s a lot of good and bad in each adoption story. And since our family life is pretty much like a sit-com, there have been plenty of hilarious moments along the way!

    I’m really looking forward to reading your book when you’re done! :-)

    1. Christine

      Lisa, you really should write your story too! I love laughing with you and your family!

  2. Christine,
    I agree it all begins when you call yourself a writer. So you’ve taken the most important first step! Congrats on setting the goal of finishing your book this year and I can’t wait to hear how the process is going.

    1. Christine

      Thanks, Dave…I’m hoping that announcing it here will give me some accountability for the project!

  3. Christine, I love this!!!! I want to help support you or encourage you in any way possible while you are on this journey of doing your first book. Keep moving forward and writing!!!

    1. Christine

      Jim, your constant encouragement is helping me find the power to take this project beyond just a thought. You are truly appreciated!

  4. I’ve had the desire to write a book for a while now. It wasn’t until just recently that I actually decided on the topic of said book. Now, I’m waiting until my media fast month of Jen Hatmaker’s 7 Challenge to begin, because I’ll have loads of free time without the internet (and it’ll be summer, so no school!).

    1. Christine

      That’s a great plan to set yourself up for success Adrian. You have an amazing perspective, and I look forward to following you through your process (although I will sure miss you during your media fast!).

  5. Christine, loved this review of the book just as much as I loved the book itself! I love your perspective on this. “We all have our unique stories to tell that no one else can share.”.

    Just using Jeff’s book as an example, we all take something unique away from reading it, because we all look at things in our own way.

    Sometimes our words seem lost in a sea of noise with millions of other blogs and websites and books out there. But no one can tell our story but US. I like how you say that there is room for all of us. Very encouraging, sister!

    1. Christine

      Yes…it is so easy to feel lost in the noise, but I love your point about how we each find something in our reading, too! Everyone is special! :)

  6. Ellen Lapierre

    GREAT post filled with inspiration peppered with get off your tail and do it! My plan will be for 2013. I’ll want to read YOURS first!

    1. Christine

      Ellen, you’re eligible for the family discount, but only if you *promise* to let me read yours too! 😉

  7. Yeah!! I would love to read a book written by you! Great post. I’m just learning to finally call myself a writer. Can’t wait to hear more from you.

    1. Christine

      Tammy, you’re a GREAT writer! Glad you’re finally admitting it!!

  8. Congrats on your book writing plans. Don’t forget to give yourself time to just let your mind wander. Take a walk, do the dishes without the radio on, etc. Ideas will come once you enter into the world of the book. I also can’t stress enough the importance of a solid outline that helps you think about things like the opening story for a chapter, how to transition from one part to another, etc. Oftentimes I need to write a good bit before I find the part that works best as an opening story.

    Hang in there and best wishes!

    1. Christine

      Thanks, Ed! I have a good core of material from the blog, but you’re right…outlining it so that it transcends just a “travel diary” is my first key step.

  9. You go Christine! Excited to see where the Lord leads you!!

    Love Jeff’s story and inspiration.

    1. Christine

      I’m excited too! :-)

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