River of Thoughts

Christine Royse Niles — Changing the world one word at a time


Spring is here!  

I’m finally feeling almost back to normal, and now all I want to do is spend a little time in the warm sunshine.

A robin has built a nest in our honeysuckle vines beside the garage.  The poor mother bird has a conniption every time we drive up, so we’re trying to respect her space.  Soon, we’ll have four little baby birds to check in on!


We also have opened and started cleaning out the pond.  Plants are coming up off the bottom this weekend if the weather holds…this is the earliest we’ve EVER opened the pond.


And the fishes are already coming over to beg for food when we walk out on the deck!


I’m resuming my early morning writing schedule today, so stay tuned for all kinds of random thoughts floating down the river in the coming weeks!


What’s your favorite part of Spring?  Leave a comment…

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About Christine

I am a writer, a project manager, and a corporate refugee with a heart for orphans around the world. My two daughters were adopted from Ukraine at ages 12 and 14. I post about writing, chasing dreams, and making a difference in the world, and sometimes I share fun snippets of fiction in-progress.

8 Replies

  1. Love that pond! Makes me want to spend the rest of the day outside…

    It’s weird but I think my favorite aspect of spring is the bright, lush green! I love leaving my neighborhood in the morning and seeing that fresh sign of vibrant life and growth. My favorite season!

    1. Christine

      I love watching the trees bud out too! It’s almost like you can watch the leaves grow!

  2. My favorite part of spring is being able to roll down the windows in your car for the first time after months of huddling by your car heater! Waking up to birds singing, feeling a warm breeze….

    ….and the Stanley Cup Playoffs!

    Sorry, I sound like a bad ESPN commercial, but it’s true! My Rangers won after a triple-overtime last night!

    Spring is king!

    1. Christine

      Oh, wow…triple overtime?? What time did you get to bed????

      1. 12:15am.
        Then Ryan got us up at 2:30am
        Then again at 4:45am.

        Fun, fun, fun!

        1. Christine

          …..and that’s why i got kids when they were old. 😉

          (btw, that backfired. Still more sleepless nights than I’d like. Guess it just goes with the territory of loving someone. Sure glad God doesn’t need sleep!)

    1. Christine

      Thanks, Tammy…we need to restack a lot of the rocks and clear out some algae, but it’s one of my favorite places. It’s so nice to sit out on the deck after work with a cold drink and toss food to the fishies…very peaceful!

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