River of Thoughts

Christine Royse Niles — Changing the world one word at a time

Extreme Home Makeover – Pathway Style

Our church is really big.

In a church like ours it’s too easy to get lost in the shuffle and to have needs get overlooked.

We sometimes get so caught up in programs and projects that we miss the people.

So when one of our adoptive families experienced an unimaginable tragedy last winter, I tried to make a point to followup and stay connected.  But at the same time, I felt weird reaching out to them.  To be honest, I was afraid.  I was afraid I’d say something insensitive.  I was afraid of being an idiot.

I was afraid that I would remind them of what had happened.

Like they didn’t remember it every single day, anyway.

But I reached out anyway.

And I heard silence.

Thankfully, God’s timing is perfect.

A couple months later, I received an email from them.  That email led to a phone call that led to a visit that has led to a friendship.

And an Extreme Home Makeover.

This weekend, we’re sending them away and taking over the house.  We’re not bulldozing it or anything, but we’re transforming some of the spaces to help their home become a place of healing , filled with reminders that they are part of a community that cares for their family.

We have an army of volunteers that are giving their time and talent to help with plumbing and electrical and flooring and paint and decorating.  We have generous donors that are footing the bill.  Mark has found kind strangers selling really great stuff on Craigslist that were willing to take insanely low offers on their stuff once they heard the story.  Mark and I are coordinating everything and doing all the shopping (well, Mark is).

So why am I telling you about this?

Inspiration.  Maybe you have a family in your community that is experiencing some kind of need.  Take a page from Bob Goff and say “yes.”  Find a way to help.  Bring others along.

Community.  Leave a comment and share a way that you’re making a difference in someone’s life–meeting a need that stretches you and restores someone’s hope.  Let us celebrate with you!

Prayer Opportunity.  Pray for healing for this family, that the new spaces will be an peaceful environment for them to find a “new normal.”  And pray for our team, that this opportunity to serve can break our hearts and teach us to become more sensitive to others in need.  Pray that we will learn that the life we’re afraid to live is the one that is filled with the most meaning–that we will be wrecked in the best way.

What’s up in your life?  Leave a comment…

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About Christine

I am a writer, a project manager, and a corporate refugee with a heart for orphans around the world. My two daughters were adopted from Ukraine at ages 12 and 14. I post about writing, chasing dreams, and making a difference in the world, and sometimes I share fun snippets of fiction in-progress.

12 Replies

  1. I LOVE this!!! So awesome. Can’t wait to see the pictures. This is love does!!!

    1. Christine

      Monday’s post will be pictures! Stay tuned. Everyone subscribe! 😉

  2. That sounds like fun! (In the hard work sort of way). I pray it’s a blessing to everyone involved–especially the family.


    1. Christine

      Thanks, Katie! Prayer covers all….

  3. Wow!! This is amazing! I love it!!!

    1. Christine

      You’re amazing, too, Pilar!! Amazing is exponential…

  4. This is AWESOME! What a really cool way to bless this family! Looking forward to seeing pics.

    1. Christine

      It’s lifechanging…for them and for us. I can’t wait to share pictures!

  5. Julie

    Niles!!! You and Mark continue to inspire me! I’m praying that your work is very productive and joyful!!!

    1. Christine

      It was all of those things…thanks for your prayers!!

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