Quitter Giveaway
What a weekend.
So many amazing dreamers dreaming amazing dreams.
So many online friends became in-real-life friends.
That’s what the Quitter community is all about. Recovering the ability to dream, learning practical ways to make your dream real without throwing away your livelihood.
Quitter isn’t about quitting by giving up, it’s about finding a way to bridge passion and responsibility. To do what you love and not become a slave to your bills.
It’s how I hustled my way to becoming a real writer.
So I’m kinda proof that it works.
During the conference, Jon Acuff was kind enough to autograph two copies of Quitter for RiverOfThoughts readers, which I will be giving away on Monday, 1 October. That’s just a week away, so be sure to get yourself signed up to win…here’s how:
Enter yourself in the drawing by following two simple steps between now and next Saturday, 29 September:
1. Share this post with people you know. How?
- Tweet it
- Share it on Facebook
- Email it to someone (or many people)
Look for the super-easy buttons to do all three of these things at the bottom of every post!
2. Comment Here! (this is the important part!!!!!)
- Tell us what you dreamed of being when you were a kid
- Include your real email address when you comment
(your email will NOT be available to anyone but me, and I will ONLY use it to notify you if you win) - Tell us that you shared this with someone.
On Sunday, I’ll draw a winner at random from all the commenters, and I’ll announce the winner on Monday, 1 October.
(I’ll also contact the winner privately by email to get a mailing address.)
Update: Please note that while the comments are still open, and we’d love to hear about your dreams, the winners for the giveaway have been chosen. Congrats to all of you who are working to find and chase your dreams!
What do you want to be when you grow up? Leave a comment…
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About Christine
I am a writer, a project manager, and a corporate refugee with a heart for orphans around the world. My two daughters were adopted from Ukraine at ages 12 and 14. I post about writing, chasing dreams, and making a difference in the world, and sometimes I share fun snippets of fiction in-progress.
I had a lot of dreams when I was a kid, and some of them have partially come true, in unexpected ways. I dreamed of being a vet at a zoo-while I will never be a vet, I did work at a zoo for 4 amazing years. I also dreamed of being a missionary at one point when I was young (we have written proof of it, dating back to 2nd grade!), lo and behold, I’m now in full-time missions. There are more dreams to chase though.
And yes, I shared this post. 😉
I love when dreams become real in unexpected ways! Keep chasing them!
When I grow up, I want to be somone’s wise counsel. I want to be the person somone turns to when they are confused and hallenges by something that seems too complex. Then, after I work with them, they turn and say, “Thanks. Now I can handle that.”. That what I want to do, make the complex simple so people can face challenges they didn’t previously think they could.
Wow, Joseph…That’s a great dream! That type of wise counsel is invaluable.
My dream as a child was (and still is) to publish a book. Somewhere around college when practically took over that dreamed morphed into “make a living as a writer” which is a dream I’m currently living. However, I’m too busy writing to write a book. I need to get back to the original dream and write that book (or books).
It’s important to prioritize paying the bills. You *will* find harmony and get the book(s) published! You rock, my friend!
I dreamed of being a Major League Baseball player. Didn’t pan out. However, when I got my first job as a youth pastor at 22, I had the thought that this is way better than being a baseball player. So I guess my dream was fulfilled.
Awesome when reality is even better than we dreamed.
I always dreamed of being a mom … and while that hasn’t happened (yet), I’ve had the privilege of investing in many generations of girls and guys and seen them do amazing things for the kingdom! I’m thankful for the legacy God has allowed me and still prayerfully waiting to have a family of my own.
That’s great, Karen…So glad God led you to a way to work with kids while you wait.
I dreamed of being an artist when I was a kid, and a journalist/writer as a teenager. Currently I am heading in a corporate direction, and don’t like it. I shared this post with my girlfriend.
Corporate jobs can be a great way to fund your art if you can find sources of joy to sustain you.
Well… ok I’m cheating a bit. I’m commenting here first, but rest assured that I’m gonna go tweet this and share it on Facebook as soon as I’m done.
Frankly I’m so stuck on the hampster wheel that I likely wouldn’t recognize my dream if it jumped up and tweaked my nose. So yeah, I’d love to be a quitter. Please pick me
I lived through many many years of that, Andrew…I completely get that! Think back to anything in your past that was captivating, or made time feel different…start there, and find a community of people that will encourage you.
So many dreams as a kid. I wanted to be a cop. Then an author. then a teacher. Then a spy…
And then at 14 I started that I wanted to leave my home country (Germany) and go and live in Australia for a while. I read up on Australia and totally got into it. I tried to figure out how to get there. But nothing came together for me.
Then I did a Bible school (more or less by ‘accident’) and someone challenged me to tell God what I had been dreaming about. (I had always thought God wouldn’t want me to go anywhere nice).
Half a year later I moved to Australia and lived there for 6 years as a missionary. then moved across the world again and have now lived in Las Vegas for the past 8-9 years. Pretty cool way of getting dreams to become reality.
Still dreaming and still dreaming big!
Wow, Jackie! What an amazing story of how God’s plan can be so much more than we imagine!
I want to win something!
Something? How about a necklace made of bread ties? 😉
I dreamt of being a comic-book writer. I had my own series and everything! Now I’m working on a book while I work full time and go to school part time, so I’m hoping someday to see my work on the shelves! I shared this with my buddy Adam.
Very cool, Justin! Great way to hustle for your dreams!
I wanted to be Superman…now that I know that is impossible, I want to be a Pastor that is about loving God and loving others with reckless abandon!
I shared this on Facebook & Twitter!
Now, see, that’s way better than just “something” isn’t it? You want to win hearts! Besides…done right, a pastor can be Superman, so your childhood dream is coming true!
I wanted to be a chef. While I don’t work in a kitchen, I love to cook at home and get to make some awesome meals.
Btw shared on twitter.
That’s great, Kyle…you get to treat your family and friends! Yum!
When I was little I dreamed of being a teacher. Although that is not where I am headed now, I am currently mentoring a group of middle school and high school girls and working on getting into grad school for occupational therapy! Although it is not exactly teaching, I have found a career that let’s me pour out my passion to help others! Sometimes it seems so far away, but I’m steadily getting there
You can teach in a lot of different settings. So glad you found a way to use that gift!
Being the crazy, feisty, adventurous kid that I was who lived all over the world, I dreamed of doing international development in those countries that didn’t have the infrastructure to cater to the needs of the people. This would be simple stuff that could be achieved through education and empowering the people.
I now get to do a little bit of it by working with the only accredited K-12 school in Kabul, Afghanistan while living in the United States.
My heart is to see other peoples’ dreams come true and that is my lifelong dream. When I get to see the smiles on people’s faces and the joy they experience, it makes my heart happy. Just call me the dreamweaver
Wow, Jonathan…talk about changing the world for the better! Keep the dream alive, man!!!
I wanted to be an astronaut and walk on the moon. Right now I’m finishing up nursing school… and I honestly think it’s all for the best. …But sometimes I still wonder what it would be like to go to outer space!
P.S. I tweeted this post!
Who knows what the future will hold…Space Nurse? 😉
I love this question and I can frequently be heard saying, I want to do that when I grow up!! What is “that”, you ask…I simply want to hear and compile the stories of people who have journeyed to discover all God meant them to be and then followed hard to pursue His purpose. I love their stories with twists, turns and delight in His plan.
That’s a great dream, Jennifer! Have you started a blog?
I have always wanted to be a writer and some sort of organizer/interior decorator. While I do the later in our own home, I would love to do it for others. I’ve always been pushed into a more “meaningful” career path from others, but I find my dreams meaningful as well. The hardest part of not being able to fulfill my dream occupation/s is that I currently work with individuals with developmental disabilities and feel utterly like a terrible person for it not being my dream.
I’m about to tweet & email this post by the way.
You’re not a terrible person at all, so don’t feel any guilt…we all go through seasons and we all find meaning in different places.
We did a home makeover project a few months ago, and the designer we worked with was invaluable and made an amazing difference to that family…
I dreamed of being a wife and a mom. I feel so blessed to be living that dream! My email is kendraardis@yahoo.com and I shared this giveaway on twitter.
What a blessing to be able to live that dream, Kendra!!
Iwanted to be a missionary. Really. Now, I go on mission trips. I messed up my life and missed opportunity to go to college to follow my dream.
It’s never too late, Mary…that’s the beauty of grace. You can serve and spread love and hope in a lot of environments both at home and abroad. Keep seeking God and He will find a way to use you!
Always wanted to be a full time songwriter. Sadly, it’s always the first thing I give up when I get busy.
I hear ya, Chris. It’s hard but important to defend your dream time!
I always dreamed when I was little of being a nurse – like Florence Nightingale, or a missionary like Mary Slessor. Then I got older, and was fascinated by politics and political philosophy. It’s been a better match, so far.
And I shared this on twitter!
Interesting shift! Glad it’s working out for you!
I want to be someone who helps current churches effectively incorporate next generations in the context of intergenerational diversity.
Wow, that’s a big, awesome dream!
I wanted to be an astronaut, but my high school guidance counselor said I couldn’t be because I wore glasses. I taught special ed instead, which I loved, but left to be a mom to our 5 kids – and I love it even more.
I shared on twitter.
Astronaut to Teacher to Mom…All three are great dreams!
I wanted to be a preacher like dad! Turns out, those were God’s plans too! Couldn’t imagine doing anything else other than preaching the Gospel for the rest of my life.
And I shared this post on twitter
Praise God! So nice to hear when someone gets the joy of being in line with God’s plan early in life.
The answer to the question “what did I dream about as a kid” is to say I didn’t dream of anything at all. I enjoyed most things as I was growing up until I became a teenager, but the idea of earning a living came as a surprise and I had no idea what to do when I graduated high school.
I enlisted in the Army a year after graduation and I was very good at it, but I never dreamed of being a general. ROTC was just a way to get a commission and a degree that someone else paid for (other than the effort involved in going to school). Every step forward was defined, and clear. I just did what it came into my hand to do. It wasn’t until I quit the service over 20 years ago that the idea of dreams even entered my head.
Since then I’ve learned what I’m good at–lots of things. I’ve learned what I’m passionate about–a very few things. I earn a living doing what I’m marginally good at. The things I’m passionate about are relegated to the after-work-or-on-the-weekends time.
Every time I see a post by Jon it makes me sick inside, partly from envy and even more because I know, or my heart won’t let me forget, those things that I haven’t yet dreamed but keep calling to me through the music I used to listen to, the books I used to read, and the things that make me cry for some inexplicable reason.
I read Quitter and loved it and I want to be like the people who are doing something different, something simple and grand like what they were born to do. I want to learn how to dream about something more than how to cash in my leave time so I’ll have more money on vacation (thanks for that Gazelle intensity, Dave Ramsey!)
I’ve shared this post.
Kathy, you are tugging at my heart, too. That sick feeling is you knowing you are meant for something amazing. Keep hustling, and you and your dream will collide and explode with greatness!
I dreamed of being a marine biologist at Sea World.
I told someone.
Sweet! My brother had a similar dream when he was young…I went to Sea World more times than I can count!
Growing up I wanted to work for the FBI. I was told my eye site needed to be 20/20
Ouch…it really hurts to be dismissed like that. What did you want to do for the FBI? Is there another way to live out that passion?
I grew up in an Indian family, so our family relationships were very formal and focused on tradition. This means that growing up, I didn’t ever really think about what I wanted to be. I was raised to get good grades, to do my best, then go into something that will give me a well paying, comfortable job. Looking to my cousins for example, this meant I was going to be a lawyer, doctor, or engineer. I only have one cousin who is not one of these, and he is an accountant (and I’m not exaggerating, only one cousin out of over twenty). I actually pushed the boundaries by being the first woman in my family to be interested in Engineering, that hasn’t happened before in our family or our community. So I always just aspired to make my parents happy.
Now I aspire to so much more, some day I’d like to go into full time missions. I am pursuing a bachelor’s in Engineering, partly to satisfy my parents, but also because I am good and it and I enjoy it and I think that God wants to use me in my field. But I refuse to work for the next big cellphone company or to help make computers smaller, those make us lazier than they do anything else. I want to use my degree in Engineering to bring power to villages in Malaysia (where I grew up) who don’t have power, to create better technology for medical issues, etc.
And did indeed tweet about this
Lakshmi, I can only imagine the type of pressure that put on you! I’m so impressed with the way you’re looking to apply your engineering skills to make a true difference in people’s lives.
As a child I dreamed of being a teacher or writing a book. As I got older my love of dolphins and whales changed to being a marine biologist. Unfortunately, science was not best for me. I am a Rainbow teacher, so I have achieved part of my dream. I still dream.of writing the stories that God has filled in my heart. I am hoping to start putting my writings together and remember the critics math to move past the fear.
Fear is a powerful thing, but it fears community. Start a blog and gather people around you who will encourage you and help beat that critic into its rightful place…the trash can!
Great advice! Thanks you – Where is the best place to start a blog?
Hands down…wordpress.com. You can get a new, free blog up and running in just a few minutes. Don’t make it complicated…grab shelliemassie.wordpress.com and go. And don’t get yourself all wound up in the design/appearance…you can play with that later. Just start writing.
Also, commit to a schedule that you can stick to and not get burned out…if that’s one post a week, then that’s what it is…Sticking with it and finding a routine that works for you is WAY more important than starting with a huge bang.
Hope this helps…and let me know when you have it set up!
I did it. I started my blog and wrote my first post. I am hoping to do at least once a week and then perhaps more. My running shirt states “Don’t fearfear moving slowly forward, fear standing still.”I do I am.taking y own advice and your. Thank youyou and by the way, I used your suggestion above.
I just checked out your blog, and the verse you quoted from James totally spoke into our house! You have a gift…Keep writing!!
I always dreamed of being a dentist when I was younger, but God showed me that he had more. Now, I’m finishing my Graduate studies in Theology and am an aspiring Missions Pastor. I know that I want to take the hope and joy of Jesus to all people. I am about making disciples, and overcoming and redeeming fears/ struggles by grace and restoration.
I shared this on twitter, pinterest, and emailed it to some family. Everyone needs to be accomplishing all that God is calling them to do!
What a passion, Cody! I’m thrilled that your heart is so focused on spreading grace and hope!
When I was a teenager I had a dream of becoming a counselor, because I liked being there for my friends and listening to them. When I was 20 years (1993) old I joined the Navy and worked in the electronics field. A friend emailed me about 2 months ago, and said they found a letter that I had sent them right after I finished my electronics training in the Navy; the letter said that even though the Navy had just spent thousands of dollars to train me to work with electronics, I felt like I had made the wrong choice, and I should be a counselor. Today I am a student minister, I have a masters in Religious Studies with a specialization in pastoral counseling, and I Council several students and parents.
It’s cool to look back on my life, and see that God had wired me with a passion and
placed a dream in my heart before I even surrendered my life to follow him.
I am retweeting this post right now!
Wow, Jeff! Even though God drew you back to the dream of counseling, I’m sure your time in the Navy and the training you received was part of His plan too.
I wanted to be a Teacher.
Teaching looks rewarding, but it also is a lot of hard work…I always knew I lacked the patience to be good at it!
Lack of patience was my problem too haha!
When I was a kid I wanted to be a school bus driver.
I LOVED my school bus drivers, Brenda and Lee…they always made the ride to school fun. I’m not sad that dream didn’t come true…my new dream is to become an event planner – I’ve been throwing parties/planning weddings for years. I just signed up for a course to get my official certification and start my own business! And who knows, maybe one of my future events will include a party bus and my dreams will collide. Ha.
I shared this on twitter!
Exciting, Jill…It just scares me to hear “bus” and “collide” in the same sentence!!
Sounds like you’re doing all the right things to make your dream a reality!
I don’t need the book, as you know. But, I want to encourage others to follow their dreams and help them have life changing moments. I want them to embrace their story and start living fully alive. Great post!
Thanks, Tammy…your encouragement has kept me going through a lot of tough periods.
For any of you who are not familiar with Tammy, go to http://www.tammyhelfrich.com to check our her blog! Truly gifted!!!!
As a kid, I wanted to be a firefighter when I grew up. This dream came true, for a short time. Now I am taking what I learned as a firefighter and building my own business helping people protect their dreams from wildfire.
How cool! Way to make it real!
If I can convince anyone that I am capable, I’d like to write a novel.
Michael, the only one you have to convince is yourself. Just start writing, and don’t let fear tell you you’re not good enough.
When I was a kid I wanted to be on Broadway. Now I want to work in a position that helps nonprofits build into their staff. That’s quite the change!
What a great dream, Tyana…equipping nonprofits is way to exponentially impact the world!
I’ll share this post on twitter. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a Blue Angel pilot. While that’s not possible now since I don’t have 20/20 vision and I’m 6′ 2″, I still would love to get up there and experience the thrill!
Thanks, Jim! I have always thought that would be a great thrill too!!
I tweeted the giveaway @sallyjane82, and emailed it to a friend!
And my dreams as a kid… For a long time, I wanted to be a nurse. And a mom. Then I had a foster son for a year, and now my dream is to become a certified professional nanny.
I see a “caring” theme in you. Fostering is a special gift, and it takes an incredibly special person to do it…and the same with being a nanny! You must be a woman of great patience and love.
I live some of my dreams every day. I am alive, and I shouldn’t be, many times over. I am clean & sober 25 years, one day at a time. I get to give back in some way almost daily. I am married to a woman who knows me and loves me anyway. I do killer PhotoArt. I write for a music magazine. I am still looking for my dream job, but that is almost here … I am right on the cusp. I am grateful to be walking this planet, breathing the air, enjoying my family and our home.
Barry, your positive attitude/energy is awesome!
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a teacher. Then I wanted to be a lawyer, a journalist, a civil servant, a secretary, a photographer… then I realized – I had so many lives I wanted to live… I must REALLY want to be a Writer – where I could live them all out vicariously and to the conclusion of my fondest wishes.
I’ll be tweeting & sharing!
LOVE the way you connected those dots, Amy…and your blog is great. Love the “pentriloquist” name!
Thanks to everyone who entered!!
*****The winners have been chosen! Visit to see who won! ***
Feel free to continue to share your dreams here, or anywhere else. “Fear fears community…” tell someone about your dream today and start building a core of support!