Dislocated – A Fiction Friday Review
Welcome to Fiction Friday. Every Friday I share with y’all a glimpse into the mind of Zach the Zombie and some of his friends. Zach is taking a little bit of a break, so I want to tell you about something new.
Earlier this week, I saw an email from friend and mentor, Jeff Goins, talking about a new book, Dislocated
, coming out next week (on Halloween) from his friend Max Andrew Dubinksy.
Now, I’ve been really tired. I’ve been behind. The last thing I need is another thing to read and review on a deadline.
But I trust Jeff. He’s earned that over and over again.
He promised it was short. Knowing that Zach and I are pals, Jeff even told me later that that day that I would love it.
So I shot it over to my Kindle and started reading (it’s also available online in graphic novel format–stunning art if you’re into that kind of thing).
Maybe an hour later, I looked up from the last page and said “Dang…where’s the next one??”
I want you to feel that, too…
Max has accomplished what most writers dream of creating…an engaging story that sucks you into the whirling vortex of one really bad day.
Will Scott wakes up hung over. He doesn’t know what day it is. He doesn’t have pants.
Will’s day is like a car crash. You can’t look away.
From the first hysterically surreal encounter with a f*****g wolf in the hallway (which, as he notes, is far different and not to be confused with just a wolf in the hallway, “which would be no big deal at all”) to totaling his neighbor’s orange Lamborghini, you can’t stop…because Will can’t stop.
Will is a compelling character, far from perfect and, as noted, more than a little coarse — fair warning to those of you who are a bit more delicate (Mom and Dad Niles) — but you just have to root for him.
He’s real. He’s a mess. He’s just been in a bar fight, and our first glimpse of him is watching him spit his teeth into the sink. But he worries about his mom and he misses his ex. He has regrets. Wounds.
He gets scared, but he knows it’s push on or die.
And, as I read, I want him to make it.
Dislocated is a short book…just 67 pages. Perfect for our busy lives.
It’s a quick, engaging, read that can transport you, for a few minutes or a few hours, into a day that’s a lot worse than the one you’re having, but that’s also got excitement and heart.
I can’t wait for the next one.
What’s the best new fiction you’ve read recently? Leave a comment…
(by the way, the link above? that’s an affiliate link. that means that if you buy the book through this link–and i hope you do–Amazon throws a few pennies at me. and the government tells me I have to tell you about the pennies. trust me, though…I won’t suggest you buy something unless it’s actually awesome. pennies aren’t worth losing your trust…but they do help put ramen noodles on the table. thank you for listening.)
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About Christine
I am a writer, a project manager, and a corporate refugee with a heart for orphans around the world. My two daughters were adopted from Ukraine at ages 12 and 14. I post about writing, chasing dreams, and making a difference in the world, and sometimes I share fun snippets of fiction in-progress.
NOOOOOOOOO! Now I HAVE to buy this & read it. Don’t get me wrong. I love to read but I have too much to do! 😛 ok. ok. I’ll do it
Kirsten, it’s worth the time, and it is short…so it’s a GREAT weekend read! You wont’ regret it, however…I have heard that it’s officially launching next Wednesday and that an updated version will be on Amazon then with an expanded ending…
I have a bit of a man crush on Max Dubinsky, due entirely to his work. 😛 Have you read his short story collection “We Can’t Go Home Again”? It’s beautifully devastating.
YES…I should have mentioned that, and I’m glad you did!!