I love hedgehogs.
Last week, my amazing friend Andi Cumbo made me this super-cute hedgehog. You can get one too, handmade just for you, from her Etsy shop, and support her dream for “God’s Whisper,” a retreat for artists in the Virginia mountains.
This started me thinking about *why* I love hedgehogs so much, and what we can learn from them…
A hedgehog is a solitary creature. I can relate. She is perfectly happy to cuddle up all alone in a warm little fleece bag. She won’t come out voluntarily unless you’re holding a mealworm in front of her nose. But once she’s out, she discovers a few fun things. I need friends to dump me out of the comfort of my blankie and PJs every now and then, too.
A hedgehog hustles when no one else is looking. In the wild, a hedgehog is an ultra-marathoner–some say she can run to up six miles a night. She doesn’t pack a lunchbag, or eat a big meal before she goes; instead, she finds the resources she needs along the way. I’m learning to hustle, to start running toward my dreams instead of sitting around and waiting to be “ready.”
A hedgehog knows when to face her fears. When a hedgehog is threatened, she curls up into a tight, prickly, impenetrable ball. But put her in shallow bathwater? She unrolls right away. Still scared, sure. But she knows she needs to unroll to survive, and she learns to trust that I won’t let her drown. I need friends who will challenge me to step into things that are scary but necessary. And who will wrap a warm fluffy towel around me after it’s all over and I survived.
A hedgehog knows how to play. Most hedgehogs love toilet paper tubes. (Really. Google it.) The lesson? Keep it simple. I don’t need all kinds of expensive, fancy toys to find joy.
Do you have a favorite quirky animal? Leave a comment…
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About Christine
I am a writer, a project manager, and a corporate refugee with a heart for orphans around the world. My two daughters were adopted from Ukraine at ages 12 and 14. I post about writing, chasing dreams, and making a difference in the world, and sometimes I share fun snippets of fiction in-progress.
Christine, this post is awesome. I love hedgehogs now, too. . . and thanks for sharing the little one I made.
Thanks for making the little one and stuffing her with love…she arrived home safe and sound on Saturday and is now perched cheerfully on my desk.
Peregrine Falcon (not too quirky)
1. Obedient
2. Loyal
3. Regal & Majestic
…Njoy u’r wk *Happy Thanksgiving*…>
(((Gobble ’til you Wobble))) or ^;^Soar with the Falcons^;^
Now, THAT is a good favorite animal, Mark!