River of Thoughts

Christine Royse Niles — Changing the world one word at a time

You Are The Salt

This is a guest post by Joseph Iregbu. Joseph leads on purpose and is passionate about raising the next generation of leaders. He blogs at selahblog.org and is a Coach and Mentor to young leaders. He is the author of a book (Even in the Well) and is married to Temi. They live in Germany. You can find him on Twitter | Facebook | or his Landing Page

For 5 years, l sent mobile text messages to over 100 recipients everyday. That’s thousands of texts!  I called it my own version of the “Daily Word.”

Why?  To encourage! A good number of my audience were aged between 17-25. I learnt so much in the process and ‘enjoyed’ the challenges and testimonies that accompanied the commitment.

Then everything changed for me when I stumbled on Matthew 5:13a two years ago:

“You are the salt of the earth”

This single line changed my perspective about life. It wasn’t my first time reading the verse but this was like a revelation. I mean, IT WAS A REVELATION. I realised, “I am called to do more than this. Text messaging is not enough. I am more. I’m the salt…”

I spent several months writing daily words on this verse alone, exploring its meaning and practical applications.

The months of exploration that followed resulted to a renewed commitment on my part to do more with my life. I was determined not to waste it. There was no turning back for me. Discovering and living the God-intended life became my focus. And giving others a platform to do the same became my passion. It turned out that both elements (discovering one’s purpose and helping others with theirs) were united by this single truth: becoming agents of change on earth.

In the last two years, I have committed myself to raising young leaders, leading change and inspiring new community initiatives through TheLifeCourse, which I facilitate. I know who I am now and I enjoy doing what I was wired to do.

Salt is a legend! It is clear about its purpose, wields its influence and creates the needed change around it. That’s the God-intended life!

  • What is your purpose in life?
  • How significant is your influence?
  • What change are you creating where you are?

Your answer to these three fundamental questions will do one thing – shape your life; whether good or otherwise. Not both. Never. And when you discover it, just go for it! Do not hold back. Take the needed risk. Leap, if you must. Let nothing stop you. You were created for that very purpose; live it!

Risk takers make things happen. Others watch everything happen.

The world around you is waiting with eager longing for you to unveil and unleash your potential (Romans 8:19). The world around you is longing for something that money, Hollywood, food and sex cannot fill, but God can through you.

And by the world, I do not mean the universe.

I mean your family, your friends, your local community, your school, your workplace.

I mean you!

That’s where you must begin.

Are you ready to live up to your calling? You are the salt. Anything short of you is a wasted life.

Question: What is the one thing you have always longed to do but are afraid to step out and lead? Go on; release those fears today in the comment box.

*Photo credit:  stlbites (Creative Commons)

Between 2010 and 2012, I wrote four articles on The Salt Series for a youth empowerment magazine in Nigeria, available on my blog. In the The Salt Series – The Finale, I shared stories of young people who are now leading change in their local communities having been inspired by TheLifeCourse.


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About Christine

I am a writer, a project manager, and a corporate refugee with a heart for orphans around the world. My two daughters were adopted from Ukraine at ages 12 and 14. I post about writing, chasing dreams, and making a difference in the world, and sometimes I share fun snippets of fiction in-progress.

11 Replies

  1. Awesome! Thanks Christine for sharing :-)

    1. Christine

      Thank YOU!

  2. Great post, Joseph. I am also passionate about helping people understand that they can make a difference right where they are. I look forward to hearing more from you.

  3. Thanks Tammy for the gracious comment. It’s a pleasure to connect with you. I have no doubt you will keep doing what you are wired for: Inspire!

  4. Thanks for sharing. Love this post.
    Sincerely, Joseph you are doing a great job.

  5. Thanks for the encouraging words. Much appreciated.

  6. Powerful message here and I almost don’t want to comment because the question itself is a challenge. How am I being the salt? If “the world” starts with me in this challenge, I know that I’m doing stuff, but I’m not sure I’m affecting change. Real change. And I know that starts with God. Real change does. I need to concentrate on how I can do this. Thank you for sharing this post and for challenging us!

  7. Hi Bethany

    That’s true; real change begins with us chasing hard after God and grasping our God-intended purpose in the process. We must let the inward change transform into outward service: giving hope to the hopeless and being God’s hands to those who desperately need Him.

    I’m glad you commented. God bless you.

  8. Great message. It’s so hard for many of us to leap, but when you believe in great things, it almost seems silly not to take the plunge!

  9. Leanna,
    You’re absolutely right. Taking that plunge doesn’t come naturally to us. But no greatness is achieved without risk taking. And when we do, there’s no regret.

    Many thanks.

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