River of Thoughts

Christine Royse Niles — Changing the world one word at a time

At Last….

No beating around the bush…We have finally been invited to travel to Ukraine for our second adoption!! As I mentioned in my last post, we were hoping to travel to Ukraine in late fall to begin the local process to adopt Lena. Well, ever the literalist, God has organized the timing so that we travel in the final week of fall—we leave on 13 December, just a week before the first day of Winter. As with Masha’s adoption, the first step of the process is a meeting on Wednesday, the 16th in Kyiv with the State Department of Adoptions (SDA). […]

…And we’re at it again!

After a lengthy hiatus to attend to life, the Niles Blog has returned!! As many of you are aware, we have begun the process to adopt again! Over the next few weeks, I’ll fill in the gaps over the past year, and share where we are in the process and what we expect to happen over the next few months. But for those of you clamoring for an update…. The Cliffs Notes Version: While we were in Ukraine to adopt Masha in June 2007, we met her best friend, Lena. She was a very sweet and soft-hearted girl, always there […]